Okay so I think I know the purpose of a blog but I won't know until I just dive in to it and share with my friends! Here we go! So my purpose of this blog today is to share my story with you and what's going on in my current situation. I could go on and on about myself (because soooo extremely vain) but I'll give you the nutshell version:
2000: Got a great job working for Clear Channel Radio for KTBZ-FM
2009: Clear Channel Radio went private and the new owners decided to sell two of the stations. I fell under the KLOL roster so I was one of the unfortunate to have to move to CBS Radio, the company who bought both radio stations, KLOL and KHMX.
2011: I quit CBS Radio because I couldn't take the dirty kitchens, poor attitudes and lack of training for all their archaic systems in place and the fact that they owe me $7,000 for a corporate charge on my American Express Corporate card (long story, but I did everything right, turned my expenses in on time and am still waiting on my card to clear) and let's not forget the fact they as we speak they are ruining my perfectly good credit since it still has not been paid.
THE PRESENT: Now, I'm a distributor for HCG Total Fat Loss which is my sisters company. She has the product manufactured in an FDA approved facility. She just got a full time job making great money so she has somewhat backed off on the business and needs some help.
Paulette, my sister's colleague lost over 100lbs so she was basically a walking billboard in front of all her friends and family so she made a lot of money because of the fact she lost so much weight and changed within a matter of months.
THE PRODUCT: HCG has changed peoples lives. I've seen it first hand! Within one week, you can lose 1 to 2lbs per day and actually keep the weight off. I did the diet myself (after some of my friends' critiqued me for doing the diet since in their eyes I didn't need to lose weight but hey, we ALL own mirrors don't we?) I reached my goal weight within just one week. I actually had more energy and felt way healthier than before. The best part of this diet is that there's a set point. You know when you weigh yourself every day and sometimes you're either 2lbs heavier or 2lbs lighter but it always goes back to your original weight? The weight that you would probably put down on your doctors' patient information form. Well this diet changes that set point to a lower one!
So the product is worth the money and I want to spread the word but how do I do that and keep people informed and catch their attention in front of so many other companies out there?
I'm dedicating myself to learning how to really market a small business and help it grow. If you have any advice, please let me know!
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